Tuning in to Radiofrequency for Skin Rejuvenation

Tuning in to Radiofrequency for Skin Rejuvenation

Adjust that dial and tune in for how radiofrequency can improve skin texture, firm and contour face and body areas. 

If you're looking for a non-surgical skincare treatment that can help reduce fine lines, wrinkles, and firm skin, look no further than radiofrequency therapy. This is one of the most popular treatments among dermatologists and aestheticians today because it's effective and non-invasive.

Radiofrequency has been used in the medical field for years. The FDA and Health Canada approved it for use on the skin during the 1980s, and now it's gaining popularity in spas for skincare treatments. Radiofrequency therapy works to increase circulation, decrease inflammation, improve elasticity, among other things.

As early as age 35 to 40, we begin to experience collagen loss. In addition, wrinkles and skin laxity occur as hormones change, along with environmental and lifestyle factors.

Radiofrequency (RF) is an excellent option if you have sensitive skin because there's no downtime after the procedure, so you can go about the business of your day without worrying about redness or irritation from any chemicals being applied to your face.

Okay, it sounds simple, but what is radiofrequency, and how does it work?

Radiofrequency (RF) therapy facials and body treatments are used in spas worldwide to rejuvenate skin cells. In addition, RF waves have a therapeutic effect on skincare by heating the deep layers of your dermis with very little energy consumption while emitting no harmful rays like x-rays or UVB light from sun exposure.

RF waves are found anywhere there are WiFi signals such as cell phones(cell phone towers), microwaves(microwave ovens) and AM/FM radio broadcasts.

Before treatment, your skin care specialist will evaluate the skin, prep it with a cool gel and effortlessly glide the wand across the surface of the treatment areas. RF treatments are painless. Although you may experience a mild warming sensation, the controlled heat penetrates deep into the dermis. You may notice some slight redness for the following 24 hours, but you can comfortably go about your day without any downtime.

What area of the body can radiofrequency treat?

RF can treat loose or sagging skin around the eyes and chin and lines and wrinkles around the mouth, nasolabial folds, crow’s feet, and those 11’s between the brows. It can also target “bat wings” on the arms, crepey skin on your chest, neck, contour abs, thighs and buttocks.

How long do the treatments last?

The average RF treatment varies between 20 - 40 minutes, depending on your individual needs. The results of RF facials will typically last for a minimum of six months. Your aesthetician or dermatologist determines the first course of treatment. You may see immediate results after the first treatment; however, treatments spaced a couple of weeks apart over six to eight weeks will prolong and improve the results you hope to achieve. Ongoing treatment can provide longer-lasting results as the skin continues to produce new collagen and elastin production, minimizing the look of lines and crepey skin.

How is Exilis Ultra 360 used on the body to melt fat and tighten loose skin?

The process is very much the same. 360 Volumetric Heating disrupts old collagen fibres, and fat cells are disrupted and removed via apoptosis; this is the body’s way of ridding cells that they no longer need.

The bottom line is you can achieve targeted and long-lasting results - pain-free!

How is radiofrequency different from microcurrent?

Radiofrequency uses heat to penetrate the skin to stimulate collagen and elastin to tighten the skin.

Microcurrent uses energetic currents to stimulate the muscles to “retrain” the natural process of the body.

Both RF and microcurrent have prolonged effects when used consistently over time.

Does Loshen & Crem offer this service?

YES! Loshen & Crem is excited to bring the Exilis Ultra 360 to the clinic for radiofrequency facial treatments.

If you're looking for an alternative to more invasive procedures like lasers or peels, then give this option some thought. And if you have sensitive skin, radiation therapy may be right up your alley because nothing is irritating about it.

Visit loshen.ca or email info@loshen.ca for more information or to book an appointment.

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